10 April 2010

*** [Information] The Oldest Student @ China ***

It is no exaggeration if we call 102-year-old grandmother who was a student of the world's oldest elementary schools, it is so. Remarkable in an age not everyone can accomplish is still no motivation and desire to be able to learn properly a small child. It was remarkable.
Nenek Ma, yang berusia 102 tahun berbaur bersama teman sekelasnyaGrandma Ma, the 102-year-old mingled with classmates
She is the figure of Ma Xiuxian, of Jinan city, Shandong Province China, which became one of the students at local elementary schools. According to local daily The Qilu Evening saying that in Ma's childhood she did not have the opportunity to get education because of family economic condition was extremely poor until the age of 13 years Ma had spent his early childhood children become workers in the company of cotton yarn.
Suasana belajar para siswa bersama nenek Ma yang sudah sangat 
renta namun bersemangat tinggiLearning environment of students and grandmother Ma already very frail but high-spirited
When we see how her spirit to spend the rest of his age that was already dusk and just left within days after the day do not make the eyes of our hearts are moved to greater enthusiasm for their studies until whenever and in whatever circumstances .
The grandmother's story 102-year-old Ma was able to inspire enough how very precious to us even in the rest of the life. Although the initiators of the return of the grandmother-to-School Primary School emerged from his youngest son named Yi Fengxin 58-year-old, without a strong motivation from her grandmother Ma will not be all this happened. It means hard desire and motivation Grandma Ma deserves our thumbs.
Let's buddy, we take a piece of real stories from the land of these bamboo curtains as our inspiration to continue their studies until death arrived. Warm Greetings from the heart's deepest space.

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